1. Reach the given without predicates: set aside all pre-existing knowledge. (This must be accomplished quite faithfully. That is, neither subject nor object, nor any concept can be present as one meets the chaos or {unknown continuum} of the given).
2. Find the starting point to cognition: that place where what is at hand is not passively received but actively produced. This is intellectual intuition or direction perception of thinking activity.
3. The act of cognition is where the ideas and concepts enter the field of the given. But there is creativity taking place in this region.
4. The bare synthesizing activity of the acts of cognition do not themselves produce the content of knowledge. The synthesis only brings two aspects of the given together. The synthesis allows the laws to unfold in the field where intuition can perceive and weave with their self-unfolding.
5. Concepts that are not merely empty categories, but essential and living, moving components of the world-content, are joined to the passively received given to produce determinate knowledge. (Laws are supersensible latent prototypes; facts are where the laws produce growth out of their supersensible seeds directly, in time; intuitive self-reflective observation is the field in which the progress from latency to development can be perceived and conceptualized).
6. This knowledge process reunites the thought aspect of reality with the passively received (given) aspect of reality. The wholeness of nature-knowledge and human science is a singular flux of sensible-supersensible unfoldings of latency and self-expression - in time and out of time. The human I is given its power, but it actualizes it in creative self-unfoldment.
7. However, the system of thought, ideas, and knowledge ITSELF is not created by the acts of cognition, but progresses from latency to actuality through the activity of cognition. The system of knowledge is an essential and genuine part of the whole world content. (The mind creates out of the life of the formless spirit, but the invisible latency is woven with the starting point of all knowledge intuitively experienced in understanding).
8. It is only through self-reflective consciousness that the idea of the activity of knowledge itself can arise. Intuition is the local window or lab in which the narrowed field of observed laws can reveal their essence. Will moves intuition's light to the place where experimental connection can unfold from latency to lawful connection.
9. The I produces through its activity the idea of knowledge itself. The I postulates not only its own existence, but also the activity of cognition.
10. Uniting the given with the conceptual content cultivated through the process of cognition can only be a free act, therefore the activity of the I is a free one.
(edited April 2020) Video Demonstration of This
(edited April 2020) Video Demonstration of This