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Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Modern Christ Experience and the Knowledge Drama of the Second Coming by Yeshayahu Ben-Aharon


The 1500 page, 4 volume hardback set of this extensive expanded edition of the 1995 book, The New Experience of the Supersensible is now available at Amazon everywhere. It has approximately 10 times the content of the original edition and all of the content has been heavily revised. It is certainly one of the most important Christian, epistemological, philosophical, and Anthroposophical books ever written. No book has ever been published like this one before. For those who can see and hear the sign of the times, let them ponder what the publication of this book by this author truly signifies for the evolution of humanity. The true continuation of the ever present work of Rudolf Steiner. 

Available at,,,,,, etc. Order it from the amazon closest to your country. The paperback edition will come out in March, 2025, and the complete 4 volume ebook will come out at Christmas 2025. 

Complete Contents - 

Volume 1  -  The Modern Christ Experience

Chapter 1

The Mystery of Spiritual Remembrance 

How the disciples were transformed into apostles; Teaching of the resurrected Christ and the transformation of memory through the Mystery of Golgotha; Spiritualization of the etheric body and memory and the construction of the modern bridge to the etheric Christ.

Chapter 2

Saul-Paul at the Gates of Damascus

Paul’s meeting with the resurrected Christ is the archetype of the modern Christ experience and the knowledge drama of the Second Coming; Consolidation of the duality of human nature and the opening of the wound of Amfortas; Mystery of the giving of Christ’s ‘I’ and the individuation of Christ’s given keys of Death and Evil.

Chapter 3

The Conditions of the Modern Christ Experience - The Evolution of Freedom

The meeting with the etheric Christ is only possible in the age of the Consciousness Soul, when man has become free; Man’s severance from the spiritual worlds, caused by the dying out of the ancient clairvoyance, must precede and prepare this fully conscious meeting; Present release of the etheric body from the physical body causes a far-reaching transformation of the entire human constitution; Meeting with the Christ occurs at the climax of the crisis of individuation, in the moment of ‘the most significant disharmony in human feelings that ever existed in human evolution’.

Chapter 4

The Modern Christ Experience - The Meeting with the New Initiator

The three main stages in the meeting with the etheric Christ: Experience of the death and resurrection of cognition, experience of evil and the healing of the soul, and the experience of the future potential of the complete transformation of man; In the first stage, the etheric Christ demonstrates the spiritualization of ordinary cognition into imaginative cognition; In the second stage, His living words heal the discord and degradation of the separated soul forces; In the third stage, He shows how the physical body can be spiritualized; In the human spirit, soul and body, the Christ plants three golden spirit seeds, as potential for future development, which man can only develop further by means of his free spiritual activity; This development is the task of the knowledge drama of the Second Coming. 

Volume 2 -  The Knowledge Drama of the Second Coming

Part I

Chapter 1 

The Spiritualization of Thinking

Spiritualization of thinking confronts and overcomes modern ahrimanic thinking; Resurrected from the grave of the brain, thinking returns to cosmic life; Separation of past and future time streams and thinking, feeling and will; Deepening of the meditative practice of Occult Science with the exercises to attain Inspiration and Intuition; Liberated being of will, guides us into the mysteries of birth and death, past and future life; Resurrected etheric Christ appears from the ‘dark-gloomy world abyss’ when feeling is liberated as well. 

Chapter 2 

The Spiritualization of Sense-Perception

In the Michaelic Yoga, the spiritualization of thinking is followed by the spiritualization of sense-perception; Oblivion stream of Lethe experienced at the threshold of perception; New Mysteries of Hades and Persephone revealed on the other side of this threshold; Further development of Imagination through the meditative exercises of Knowledge of the Higher Worlds; Experience of etheric Christ in the etheric world through spiritualized perception, reveals the etheric ring around the sun-becoming-earth; Man becomes a creative partner of the Christ in the creation of the earthly-human Sun. 

Chapter 3 

The Preparation for the construction of the bridge

Construction of the bridge prepared by weaving the forces of spiritualized thinking and perception, which augment each other; Spiritualization of the etherization of the blood and the etheric body; Formation of spiritual memory on which the bridge of spiritual memory and continuity of consciousness is founded; Specific esoteric practice prepares the etheric and physical brains to reflect conscious supersensible experiences. 

Chapter 4 

The Construction of the First Etheric-Cognitive Layer of the Bridge

Builder of the bridge, the true ‘I’, actualized by the activity of spiritualized thinking; Development of two petaled lotus flower between the eyes; Merging the forces flowing between the two petaled lotus flower and the higher self in the pineal; First formation of Spirit Self; Deeper confrontation with Ahriman in his workshop in the modern brain; Construction of the first etheric-cognitive layer of the bridge from the head, through the larynx, to the heart; Battle with luciferic-ahrimanic forces in the heart and the sacrifice of the Green Snake.

Volume 3 - The Knowledge Drama of the Second Coming, Part II: 

Chapter 1

The Confrontation with the New Forces of Evil in the Physical Body

 Conscious return to the physical body fraught with great difficulties in the present age; Entry into human evolution of radically new force of evil; Spiritualization of the blood necessary to confront it; ‘Follow the path of cyanide formation from above downward’; First confrontation with Asuras in the heart and the path into the metabolic-limb and reproductive systems; Searching for the meditative praxis to spiritualize the forces of will, early childhood, karma, and limbs.  

Chapter 2 

The Michaelic Kundalini Meditation 

In 1906 Rudolf Steiner gave a pupil a meditation aiming to develop the forces of the higher self and spiritualize the physical body through the sacred fire of kundalini; It creates the forces required to penetrate into the metabolic-limb and reproduction systems; Nine steps of the meditation and their results; Spiritual role of cerebellum, pineal and pituitary; Activation of the four petaled lotus flower at the base of the spine in connection to the sixteen petaled lotus flower in the larynx; Renewed confrontation with the Asuras in their stronghold in the reproductive system; ABC and DEF of black magic; The fundamental problem of the wound of sexuality and mortality must be confronted in the present age of Michael.  

Chapter 3 

The Healing of the Wound of Sexuality and Mortality

The modern riddles of the wound of Amfortas are discovered, the deeper man delves into the reproductive system; Asuric and Soratic usurpation of the divine forces behind sexuality; ‘Fragment after fragment will be torn out of the ‘I’; Magically closed wound and the temptation of Asuric immortality; Radically divided human constitution and decisive Michaelic battle with the Asuric forces; Birth of Anthroposophia in the larynx; The portal that leads to the mysteries of the Phantom.

Chapter 4 

The Construction of the Third Spiritual-Physical Layer of the Bridge

Formation of lasting etheric foundations for the third layer of the bridge; Merging of Christ’s Sun forces of midday, midnight, and cosmic midnight hour; Cosmic cultus and spiritual communion of humanity in the earthly-human Sun temple; New metabolic knowledge attained in the spiritualization of breathing, eating and speaking, nose and mouth, smell, taste and touch; Digestive threshold and probation: Sweet as spiritual honey and bitter as karma; Spiritualization of metabolism through the six petaled lotus flower; Renewed confrontation with the Asuric forces; Highest hierarchy revealed in spiritualized metabolism and physical body; Chemical Christological process produces the philosopher’s stone from the spiritualized forces of earthly and cosmic nourishment, karma and love; Chemical wedding of heaven and earth in the human heart and birth of the spiritualized body; Umstülpung of the threefold human constitution; Loom of creation on which the Phantom is woven; Making the philosopher’s Stone through the spiritualization of breathing and carbon; Mysterious bone Luz; Shall the dead bones awaken?; Fountain of eternal life in bone’s marrow; Imagination of the Phantom; Midsummer alchemical Christological process; The Foundation Stone of love.

Volume 4 - The Creation of the Earthly-Human Sun

The New Human Meeting and Michaelic Community

Chapter 1 

The Creation of the New Earth and Heaven of the Earthly-human Sun

The old earth has sunk into the abyss during the apocalyptic twilight of humanity in 1933-45; In the etheric world, it has arisen anew as the new Earth and Heaven of the new earthly-human Sun; Resurrected earth must be formed consciously on earth in the 21st century in the school of Michael; Imagination of the Old Sun reflected and embodied in the creation of the earthly-human Sun; New Earth created from spiritualized will, new Heaven through spiritualized thinking and perception; the heart of the earthly-human Sun, that connects the new Earth and Heaven, is formed through human meetings. 

Chapter 2 

Christ’s Appearance Between ‘I’ and ‘Thou’- The New Michaelic Community

 Social and karmic chaos brought about a darkening of the earthly-human Sun in the 20th century; Social-moral life of humans is a planetary creative force, that either destroys or creates the rhythmic system of the earthly-human Sun; Human meetings today perceived as ominous social and karmic sleep, total forgetfulness and denial of karmic relationships and obligations; Awakening from social sleep through Christ’s appearance between ‘I’ and ‘Thou’; Mutual karmic Healing and the creation of the new Michaelic community; Etheric Christ as living healer and comforter in our midst.

Chapter 3

The Formation of the Earthly-Human Sun

The seed of the earthly-human Sun embodied in man’s creative forces; Transubstantiation of man substantiates earth’s resurrection body; Imagination of the earthly-human Sun and it’s temple; Cosmic Dance of the earthly-human star and its new journey in the universe.