“The given concept has n marks. If we leave one away, then a higher concept arises in
whose extent it lies. If we leave one more away, then a still higher concept arises, etc., until
only one mark remains, which allows no further abstraction. However, we can leave out a
mark in n different ways; this gives the number of n higher concepts to which the given
one can be subordinated. The theory of combination proves further how many concepts
will be found on each higher level.”
We can see here that if we can stay awake on the virtual blockchain when we are removing the marks, we can also open soul windows into the land where the spiritual concepts become apparent. We make the move of experiencing the erasing as an extraction to the void outside the concept-activity (directly viewed in supersensible intuition). Then we find, that the heart (now spread out in the world) can perceive the creative human activity of linking, turning, and folding and unfolding concepts on the concept-virtual-plane (the same as the river of flowing proto-light virtual blockchain). To spiritualize this (or allow it to be nourished by the spiritual world), we can then look into the moral validity issues of each move of the concept. This becomes a conscious co-working with the spiritual moods, development and beings that work in the world as living and loving thought-spirit-actors.
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