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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Saint John from Earth to Heaven

I am full of truth, devotion and grace.
I remember when I was once born from the Father.
His glory beheld me. We dwelt with Him.
My flesh is becoming the Spirit-Word.

I believe in His Name. The spirit wakens in Man.
My flesh becomes the spirit's will. My blood becomes the soul's life.
The I is born as the Son of Man in me.
And the Son is born in the I of God in Thou.

My power is in my belief in Him, for He received me.
But He came to me once and I did not at first receive Him.
Yet I sense Him now when the World rejects Him.

His true light set fire to my I, and lit up the world.
My light becomes true through Him. I bear witness to His light and believe.
I am John, a free man, sent to Heaven, to bear witness of the Earth.

The darkness of the earth begins to understand the light.
The earthly obscurity begins to shine in the light.
Man's new light shines into God's life.

Nothing and Everything were made by Him.
The Word of Man was in the beginning and will be in the future.
In the future I will be with God's Word.
And the Word of God will always be with me in Him. Him in me.

(March 4 1019)

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