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Friday, May 22, 2020

Summary of 'The New Experience of the Supersensible' by Ben-Aharon, Chapter 6

Chapter 6 – The Creation of the New Earth and Heaven of the Earthly-human Sun (the Human Being learns how to contribute to the creation of a new spiritual world)

The essence of this complex chapter has been expanded upon in Cognitive Yoga, The Event in Science, History, Philosophy & Art and also The Twilight and Resurrection of Humanity.  Ben-Aharon describes how the confluence of 4 different aspects in our time (the Michael age, the end of the KaliYuga, the consciousness-soul epoch, and Christ’s etheric appearance) permit humanity to enter into a creative partnership with the spiritual world for the first time. The potential to weave together the cognitive-scientific and moral-religious elements in a free and self-conscious way has now become available to individual people.  We can help the Gods to create a new Sun-Earth. There are three aspects of this “new earthly-human Sun” (p 107):  [1] Willed-thinking can now become the moral and creative fiery source of a new Earth. Here it merges with Christ’s solar work in the center of the Earth. [2] Perception that has expanded to meet and merge with the formative thoughts of the universe, can now enter the human and stream out again to become a new atmosphere and Heaven. [3] The middle sphere of this new planet is created out of the social spiritual fabric weaving between human beings. The work of humanity can therefore develop a new pulse of communication between heaven and earth. To understand the present stage of solar infancy in the new Earth, we must return to the main Imagination of the Old Sun. If we imagine a sphere, the spirits of Wisdom were offering up their grace that bestows beauty and life from its center, which the Archangels reflected back from the periphery as light. The kernel of this grace and light was concentrated over time in the Christ Spirit who now works from the center of our present Earth, and humans are gathered around Him there. He radiates out “warmth bliss and light beauty...” (p 108) and human beings also reflect this warmth back from the periphery toward Him. This new cooperation between man and Christ contains an aspect of body, soul, and Spirit. “Man stands in regard to the centre (Earth) building process and the periphery (Heaven) building process in the following ways. At the periphery he creates the reflecting etheric-astral atmosphere of Christ’s Holy Spirit of the new Sun, out of his transformed sense perceptions; in the centre he works on the building of Christ’s new planetary bodies with his liberated will-being; and in the middle, man develops his sevenfold microcosmic-macrocosmic soul activity, united with the sevenfold soul nature of the Christ.” (p 109) The small human is woven together with the Cosmic Spirit-Human inside the density, surface, and atmosphere of the whole Earth, which means inside the Christ. 

Will in Thinking and the New Earth 

Ben-Aharon first focuses on the will activity.  When the invisible core of the will that guides thinking becomes visible, it shows itself as a life-giving fountain.  When the human creates the moral bridge across the abyss, the thinking returns as spiritualized love. This living-willed thinking penetrates and merges with the core of every ‘object’ and thus becomes the pulsating center of the real earthly world. When the will of the spiritual-I returns from the edge of cosmic thinking in Spirit with the power of self-conscious living thinking, and joins with the core of the externalized will-substance in the center of every object, these two wills unite. “A new will being is thus created, and this being is the creator of the new Earth. This new will-love-being works cosmically-creatively with the human-cosmic will in the spirit depths of the new Earth.” (p 110) One can follow the progress and elements of this if we return to the pure will meditation outlined in chapter 5. After our concentration merges with the complete void, instead of returning to pre-natal thinking as before, we now penetrate into the depths of pure embryonic warmth. This is the spiritual essence of the will-substance itself. This virgin spark, alive with the future, is not only imagined but can also be acted upon by the spiritualized human being. I can mold the substance of the future earth. We hear it spiritually speaking as an articulated lightning strike, the new Spirit-Word of the pregnant seed of the new Earth. How does this take place? The spiritualized thinking now enters into the darkness of the will like an awakening spark. Cosmic self-consciousness “begins to think inwardly inside this will, and it bores its way into the opaque will-substance of man and Earth in the same way as an electric current moves inside an electric wire.  It feels like being electrified, but now a light shines into the darkness and the head, spinal cord, and limbs become hollow and transparent.” (p 111 - This is described in more detail in Cognitive Yoga). This lightning force of willed thinking merges with certain veins inside the structure of the Earth itself. The soul experiences this as an awakening of the light of consciousness and pure warmth becoming active fire spreading through the whole body. (Note that the whole procedure of this book begins from thinking and descends into heart and body, in a reversed direction from older Yogic, Buddhist, and Taoist practices). 

The interior of the bones become sensitive, perceptive, warm and alive. But the spiritual interior of the bones also means the deep core of planet Earth. The Earth itself, which once appeared to spiritual sight as a human form or a cross, through Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection became a pulsing center of renewed life. This aspect is now intensified through the merging of the spiritualized thinking and will uniting in the cosmic-human heart. “This cosmic speech of the humanized planet Earth shapes a being in the depths: an articulated embryonic will-seed organ of a new world, as an extension of the creative heart of world-man himself.” (p 112)  It is our task as modern and humble humans to become ever more conscious of our capacity to create a new substance, being, and culture out of our Christ permeated sacrificial will. I grow together with my Earthly mother and learn how to create with her.  Through the fact that Christ’s blood flowed down into the Earth from the cross, each human individuality can now become part of the creative love, light and warmth of Christ, shaping the new mysteries of the earth becoming sun. (p 114)  In regard to the spiritual-organic unfolding of human knowledge, we now realize that every intuitive beholding of truth is also a moral unfolding of human creativity which adds to the world whole. Human knowledge adds a living bud to the growth of Truth. Also, every moral deed fertilizes the embryonic seed of the new Earth.  Human knowledge and free action therefore grow the universe. “To experience that every lightening up of pure thought ‘up above’...creates at the same time a fiery, concentrated, Sun-earthly will-seed below, this is the conscious human participation in the creation of the new Earth of the earthly-human Sun – it will form the heart of the Michael-Christ reality of the next century.” (p 116) 

Spiritualized Perception Weaves a New Heaven 

Then Ben-Aharon turns to describing how spiritualized perception contributes to the growth of the heavenly part of the new Sun-earth. As we learn how to extend our consciousness into our etheric bodies, we can preserve and shape the bridge of spiritual memory in time, life and light perception. The new heaven is a global extension of this etheric-sensation organism. As our etheric sight and sensation becomes a living stream and meets and exchanges places with the flowing streams that were once external objects, we learn how to heal the Earth. This process opens up a view into the future, and we can learn how to find and nourish the generation of new mineral, plant, and animal beings there. Through their future kernels, the whole earth is like an embryo becoming a new macrocosm. By holding open the tiny space of time between etheric-astral perception and the registration of events and objects in the brain’s reflection, we can eventually enter into the world where the etheric bodies of the Dead reside. Perception, resurrected by the Christ’s power working especially in the plant world, can now find the etheric planetary ring or humble holy spirit woven by true Christians since the original mystery of Golgotha. This ring of preserved human life-times, created by the higher Hierarchies after their deaths, can now be found and expanded by living incarnated human beings. “It is the Christ force, streaming from the centre of the Earth outwards, raised by man to conscious imaginative sight through the transformation of sense-perception, that lets him work consciously in the building process of the new earth-Sun Heaven, weaving into the etheric ring his own Christ-infilled sense-perceptions and living and sentient world-Imaginations.” (p 118) This means that after the will and thinking are sufficiently transformed, it is then possible for the individual building of the etheric bridge to expand out into the whole edifice of the spiritual earth. Through an impulse given by the work of the Rosicrucians in the past and the ever-active radiation from the preserved etheric body of Christian Rosenkreutz, I can now find my way to the etheric body of the earth as a whole. We find the exact place in our time-gap to eventually come to perception of the quintessential and unique spiritual-matter that lies between physical and etheric substance. 

Only a sufficient moral transformation can enable an individual to begin to work with the unique substance from which all other materials and elements are made. We can find this new element in the individual human as well as in the external spiritual atmosphere of the Earth. Thus there are two aspects to this new etheric substance – [1] the etherization of the blood which happens through the transformation of the dead thinking forces in the individual confrontation with the Dragon outlined in chapter 5 (p 99), and [2] now the quintessential element as far as it is enlivened, expanded, and projected into the planetary etheric Heaven through the virtualization of sense perception. [3] The sentient or astral component of this work now arises when we travel through the time-gap and the larger bridge to the place (the zone girding the earth) where the Dead perceive with soul joy how the spiritual parts of their etheric bodies are woven into the Christ-permeated etheric planetary atmosphere (humble holy spirit), while the destructive parts are revealed to the soul with great pain. This happens directly before Kamaloka and the sphere of the moon is fully entered. But now I can experience that the more that I have allowed the spirit of Christ to enter my etheric body the more conscious I will be after death. Furthermore, by entering this soul world while still alive, I now can join the etheric Christ and his angelic and human co-workers in building the Earthly-Human Sun. “Man learns to see and experience the Earth while living, as do those human souls who have already passed through the gates of death and who, from the spiritual world, protect and sustain the mystery of the new Heaven of the earthly-human Sun. He is consciously accepted in their company and takes a self-conscious part in their sacred creative work.” (p 121)  This is connected with beholding the heavenly aspect of Jerusalem in the spiritual atmosphere of the Earth.  Normal humans without special gifts can now, through Christ’s new work  coupled with Anthroposophical self-transformation, begin to weave new garments of light, warmth, and  life into the etheric and astral body of the Earth. “This sphere of the spirit of knowledge and truth, aglow with the human-Christ created flames of spiritualized love in the depths, illuminated outwardly by the astral light pictures of world-thoughts, is opened in and through human eyes. Where objectified old cosmic space dies in our physical sense in-breathing as devitalized living time, and where sprouting sense-life produces in etheric sight majestic world-pictures through the formative forces of conscious human Imagination, man acquires the conscious capacity to imprint them – member them – into the planet’s garments of resurrection.” (pp 121-122)  Humans can awaken to and be present in the creation of the new day. The paths and Life Spirits of Goethe and Steiner are united in this new work. The new middle zone between Heaven and Earth is then to be created through every social encounter, in the most difficult part of the new cosmic-human development.

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