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Monday, April 27, 2020

Anthroposophy Lives! (GA 4) The Philosophy of Freedom - Some Keys to Spiritualize Your Thinking using the Forces in PoF (Chapter 3)



Key 1 - Listen to a sound. First carefully separate A) the will of attentiveness from B) the intuitive experience of the content of thinking. Awaken the I in the middle. Then weave Observation (Attentiveness to what is Perceived) and Thinking into a Single Pulse with two outer poles, united in the Self-Conscious I.

Quote which can help you to create your own key to get out of the maze of everyday representational (ahrimanic/luciferic) consciousness:

"Observation and Thinking are the two points of departure for all spiritual striving of man, insofar as he is conscious of such striving." Chapter 3 pgh 4.

How to you make it alive? Ask yourself - Am I aware of my spiritual working? Where am I spiritually striving? Am I conscious of the spiritual reality at all?  How are observation (the will that moves the receptacle of contents from place to place) and intuitive thinking (without pictures) related to this I (before subject and object) who is developing in the spirit (as opposed to soul, ether, matter)?

Key 2 - Create the EXCEPTIONAL situation! What is it? Observe the moment when you create concepts; observe the moment when your I creates a thought; observe the moment when you create a mental image. What tools does thinking use to create its garments?

"Whereas observation of things and events, and thinking about them, are but ordinary occurrences filling daily life, the observation of thinking itself is a sort of exceptional situation. This fact must be taken into account sufficiently when we come to determine the relation of thinking to all other contents of observation...It is characteristic of thinking that the thinker forgets thinking while doing it. What occupies him is NOT thinking, but the object of thinking which he observes." Chapter 3, pgh 8

Don't just understand it - Do it! This has nothing to do with 'thinking about thinking.'  Observe the creation of thinking before subject and object are set up.

Key 3 - Create the ARCHIMEDEAN POINT in pure observation of thinking activity (this has nothing to do with mental pictures, words, or subjectively controlled representing).

Lock-picking Quote - "When Archimedes had discovered the lever, he thought that with its help he could lift the whole cosmos from its hinges if only he could find a point upon which he could support his instrument. He needed something that was supported by itself...In thinking we have a principle which exists by means of itself...Thinking we can understand through itself." Chapter 3, pgh 29


"We must first consider thinking quite impartially, WITHOUT REFERENCE to a thinking SUBJECT or a thought object. For in subject and object we already have concepts formed by thinking....Before anything else can be understood, thinking must be intuited."

Klein bottle by Tttrung

                                                      My Video Demonstrating This

Major Hint - To create the Archimedean Lever of the transformation of consciousness, you must directly perceive or dive into the ocean where IT THINKS creates all of the ideas that make you believe you are inside a body, controlling your mental images, inner monologue and memory. Until you do this, you will never get out of the maze of normal consciousness.

Dr. Yeshayahu (Jesaiah) Ben-Aharon has taught us how to very carefully and strictly read what RS actually says:

"One should not confuse 'having thought images' with the working through of thought by means of thinking. Thought-images can arise in the soul in the same way as dreams or vague intimations. This is NOT thinking...The point is that everything that is willed is, while being willed, surveyed by the I as an activity entirely its own. Indeed it must be said that just because this is the nature of thinking, it appears to the observe as willed through and through." (Addendum to the revised edition of 1918).

Why was the revised edition necessary, and why was this comment necessary to add? BECAUSE NO ONE UNDERSTOOD and PERFORMED the "Philosophy of Freedom" during Steiner's lifetime!

Bonus Key -

In observing thinking, thinking is not changed. Thinking is of the same quality as the observer. Intuiting my own self-created concepts happens in the sphere where by Spiritual I is active and self-conscious. It is on the scene before the representations of inner and outer, subjective and object begin to operate. In this way you can do a temporary aikido flip to the ahrimanic and luciferic basic thought-cages that hold you in normal consciousness.


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